Put the card swap for blind nil into this version like in the free version and this will be a 5star game.
Put the card swap for blind nil into this version like in the free version and this will be a 5star game.
Enjoying this game. Although my partner in the game is stupid most of the time which means im playing against 3 ppl not 2. but this just increases the level of difficulty
Good graphics and game play dynamics, too bad my partner is so stupid that he trumps my winners and takes extra unnecessary bag points.
One of the updates said they sent Megan to Spades camp. They need to send her to Spades concentration camp. She throws kings away like deuces and cant bid when it counts. I would still highly recommend this APP?
Its fun though no choice in changing partners. Megan is a terrible player . Better now that you have support in bidding zero.
The logic of the partner is pretty off. Ive noticed many plays that just dont make sense. It also tends to favor the losing team as it nears the finish line.
This is a horrible version of spades with stupid moves by my partner. I would delete this game and play another version if I could find one. I said all that but I play five to ten games a day.
Really enjoy the game. Megan needs to go to basic spades camp. Hard to play with a partner that you have no idea how shes gonna play. Need to speed the game up.
Computer gets majority if good hands. Computer partner mostly always overbids their hand which causes us to be set too much! You can tell computer knows what is in your hand. Seems to b getting worse. Needs to b updated.
Megan needs to go back to spades school. Must have slept through last semester. Megan is a poor player.
Graphics good but partner playing is just stupid most of the time
Have to be more smart player More than that Megan is bad player If i know that Megan will always play with me I should not buy yet
Since Megan went to spades school, she may have improved in one area, but she has gone BONKERS in another! She is now continually overbidding!! So tired of having to try and cover her bids! Have been winning the game by a large margin but she cant pick up her tricks and we end up losing!! Also! This leading with a king is ridiculous! She will also throw off the highest card for a suit and then not be able to pick up a trick! Also throws off a spade when she doesnt have to! Needs a heck of a lot more school to fix all this!!!
Needs its own volume adjustment. Cant flip 180 degrees. Megan - hum... Definitely recommend!!!
Megan is the by far worst spade player on earth, its like playing against 3. Whoever wrote this program has never played spades or has no idea how to play.
They have a series of games that are a delight to play.
Someone said Megan had been re-programmed. I dont believe it! Leading low cards on nil bid, bidding on what she doesnt have and then throwing high trumps away when she hasnt made her bid. Fix her please!
Ann is a true dumb bi?!$&. Programmer please give her some brains
The game makes questionable plays, especially in expert mode, make Megan a better card reader, she doesnt take books that she should and then doesnt make her bid. She not consistent.
I would recommend the app but Megan stinks when it comes to biding.